In 2018, Rider Sandals embarked on a mission to reintroduce itself to the US market, specifically in Miami, Florida. Through my leadership as the lead creative, I partnered with Miami legend David Anasagasti, aka Aholsniffsglue, to curate an exclusive line of products, captivating promotional content, and curated local events. The highly anticipated product launch at Shoe Gallery, a renowned sneaker shop, drew a crowd of enthusiastic Ahol fans and dedicated sneakerheads, resulting in a rapid sell-out and generating a massive local buzz in Miami. This collaboration not only revitalized Rider's presence but also established a strong connection with the local community, setting the stage for future successes in the US market.

BRAND: Rider Sandals

CLIENT: Magic Hour Worldwide

ROLE: Executive Creative Director








Festival Rider #DáPraFazer 2018: indie, rap, funk e eletrônico foram a trilha da celebração da cultura urbana independente

Emicida, Teto Preto, Terno Rei, Raça, Yas Werneck, Dory de Oliveira, Áurea Semiséria movimentaram mais de 4 mil pessoas no evento Igor Brunaldi, do Rio de Janeiro Publicado em 19/03/2018, às 14h09 - Atualizado às 18h21 Aconteceu no último sábado, 17, o festival #DáPraFazer, organizado pela Rider e cocriado pelo coletivo feminino Noix.

Rider Anuncia Colab Com O Artista Ahol Sniffs Glue

Nascido David Anasagasti, numa pequena cidade ao sul da Flórida, Ahol Sniffs Glue é figura carimbada nas ruas de Miami, onde criou suas raízes e desenvolveu o seu trabalho artístico no decorrer dos últimos 20 anos. Com linhas inconfundíveis, os olhos cansados que viraram marca registrada do trabalho de Ahol já estamparam muros, galerias de [...]

Rider tem lançamento exclusivo em colaboração com Ahol SniffsGlue - NOTTHESAMO

A Rider segue explorando o universo da cultura de rua. Sua nova Os olhos de Ahol são conhecidos por captar a humanidade aonde vão.

AholSniffsGlue X Rider Sandals #MiamiFullTime Collection Exclusive Release - The Art Plug Creative Advertising Agency

The Miami New Times has called AholSniffsGlue "one of the Magic City's quintessential street artists" and the artist's trademark eyes can be seen throughout the city. Rider Sandals was started in Brazil in 1986 and remains one of the country's most celebrated brands.

AholSniffsGlue X Rider Sandals #MiamiFullTime Collection Exclusive Release - The Art Plug Creative Advertising Agency

The Miami New Times has called AholSniffsGlue "one of the Magic City's quintessential street artists" and the artist's trademark eyes can be seen throughout the city. Rider Sandals was started in Brazil in 1986 and remains one of the country's most celebrated brands.

Ahol Sniffs Glue Bookends Churchill's Pub Pop-Up With Concerts

For decades, Dave Daniels, the original owner of Little Haiti's Churchill's Pub, lived in a quaint house behind the bar. Just outside his window, live music wailed, drunken lovers humped on his washing machine, and petty fights raged. Daniels has moved on from his life in Lemon City.